2025 - 03 - 14 /// Ashen Hands out, Reverie x Put Purana 12"s

Italy’s Ashen Hands has released their new and absolutely incredible debut EP on Tomb Tree. Tapes are done at the plant and arrive at the Canada store for decorating next week, so expect orders to go out late March/early April. Fans of Lucidity, Joshua Fit For Battle, Danse Macabre, and Trainwreck should be all over this.

The Reverie and Put Purana split 12” is finally in stock. We only got 30 copies across the two stores and bandcamp so don’t sleep for too long. Wicked Italian screamo!

Shibuya pre-orders are up in both stores, and the Tomb Tree bandcamp with two songs and the pre-orders go up on Monday to give the Ashen Hands EP some time to breath. The full release is on May 2nd!

SHIBUYA - Bravura y Firmamento (12")

*** this is a pre-order and should be shipping in mid-May ***

SHIBUYA ‘Bravura y Firmamento’ 12” LP (TT130)

For fans of: Viva Belgrado, Øjne, Put Pùrana, and Dagerman.

Incredible sophomore LP from this Spanish band. Their ‘Apolo’ album perked up our ears and helping release this was a no-brainer. Not far removed from Raein and La Quiete, these 11 songs go from gorgeous post-rock to intense screamo, sometimes in the same song! Full release on Tomb Tree May 2nd.

Vinyl /300: 150 on pink marble & 150 on blue, w/insert. 11 songs.

Listen here:

We had some hefty restocks for things like Terry Green, Febuary, Bloom Dream, etc. so get on those asap before we sell out again!

Click here for the full roundup!

Crossed had a double-feature on the newest Operation X-Ray so check out those bangers. The new record is so good, full release March 21st which is when we will open our orders.

Click here for the review!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: ROTTING IN DIRT = Oh hell yes new EP and it’s stellar. Check out their ZBR Fest performance below!

2024 - 12 - 23 /// Die Princess Die released + Canada Post strike is over

Die Princess Die has released. Storytime! In 2004 CanaDave bought the Microwave Says To The Pacemaker 2×7” comp and discovered Die Emperor Die and promptly searched for and ordered a full length from Interpunk. When the album showed up and he inspected it closer, he realized that it was a different band altogether. Having already spent the money he gave it a spin and was pleasantly surprised. So he gave it a few more spins and realized that the album was pure fucking genius. Fast forward 20 years and CanaDave was still pushing this rather obscure band when he happened across the bassist and finally landed this release. Tis pure joy, my friends. Exuberance. Elation. So ZBR proudly presents the DIE PRINCESS DIE 'Discography' with brand new art from Boris Hager and all the tracks, sweat, yellin', glitches, groove, and noise that you could ever want from a band you've likely never heard of. Only 52 copies were made over three variants plus test dips. Imagine if Indian Summer drank an entire bottle of whiskey and freaked out to Slint. Best.

The Canada Post strike over! It didn’t get the end I was hoping for though, as the government ordered the workers back and nothing was solved. Regardless, the post offices are fucking jammed with holiday shipments and over a month of backlog. Therefore I will prepare all the orders by Tuesday but wait until later next week to bring them to the post office in an attempt at minimizing lost packages and general fuckups as the postal service will be utterly bombarded.

On December 31st Zampler #24 is coming. Around 10 previously unreleased tracks and new art from Lucca Cassandra from Split Silk. Here’s the previous Zampler!

Click here for the full premiere!

Lower Automation’s full set was recently recorded at The Runoff so please check that out and pick up a copy of their latest EP ‘This Is My Deathbed’, and we even still have a few final copies of the ‘Strobe Light Shadow Play’ 12”LP.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FINNSKRAMZ = This Finnish screamo compilation just came out with 16 unreleased tracks and it’s amaaaaaaaaaazing.

2024 - 08 - 16 /// rest of August

A quick weekender to tide you over till next week, but first a quickie schedule:

Monday August 19th: Edhochuli ‘Higherlander’ 12” second press

Friday August 23rd: Hillsboro cassette EP on Softseed Music

Monday August 26th: ZBR Fest VHS take 2

This fest talk is coinciding perfectly with our single-band fest videos that have started popping up on Youtube and now include some bonus jams! First up, Naedr and Gxllium!!! Keep an eye on our channel to get all the latest videos as they premeire.

Click here for the full article!

Closet Witch music video is out on Youtube give that thing a jam, get destroyed, then buy the 12”.

Click here to help out Edie!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: NORFAIR = Sick new Michigan screamo!

2024 - 05 - 21 /// welcome to Lower Automation & Constrain releases!

Nuvolascura cds are next, if you caught them on their most recent tour around ZBR Fest you’ll know these new compilation cds exist. The band took 70, we have 30. They sold all of their copies already so pick one up once they drop on May 28th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST

Constrain’s new EP ‘Welcome To Club Vampire’ has just released on Tomb Tree over 53 tapes. This thing is chockfull of metalcore and sassy metallic hardcore goodness. Amazing screams, massive breakdowns, and panic chords aplenty. P.S. the tapes look sick af.

Click here for the full review!

Click here for the review!

Click here for the full article!

Operation X-Ray premiered a Lower Automation track last week as well as a buncha other awesome shit. If you aren’t listening to this program every Friday then you are missing out on so many amazing bands.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: OMSORG = New four-song EP from these Danish post-hardcore/screamo vets.