2024 - 05 - 21 /// welcome to Lower Automation & Constrain releases!
Nuvolascura cds are next, if you caught them on their most recent tour around ZBR Fest you’ll know these new compilation cds exist. The band took 70, we have 30. They sold all of their copies already so pick one up once they drop on May 28th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST

Constrain’s new EP ‘Welcome To Club Vampire’ has just released on Tomb Tree over 53 tapes. This thing is chockfull of metalcore and sassy metallic hardcore goodness. Amazing screams, massive breakdowns, and panic chords aplenty. P.S. the tapes look sick af.
Operation X-Ray premiered a Lower Automation track last week as well as a buncha other awesome shit. If you aren’t listening to this program every Friday then you are missing out on so many amazing bands.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: OMSORG = New four-song EP from these Danish post-hardcore/screamo vets.