2025 - 03 - 03 /// Next batch of releases + Bloom Dream tour

Dead Hour Noise is next on March 7th, followed by Tomb Tree’s Ashen Hands debut EP. The former is dirty and dark metallic hardcore/mathcore in the vein of Juan Bond and Curl Up And Die, while the latter is scorching emo-violence not unlike Danse Macabre and Yearning. If you are hankering for a song you can scroll down to the Operation X-Ray section and listen to a Dead Hour Noise song premiere!

We wanted to also let you know that we post almost daily on Bluesky (linked here) and also have a second run of Bloom Dream tapes finishing up now in time for the band’s tour and next Monday’s cassette release. This time we swirled’em!

Click here for the full interview!

CanaDave finally did another Out Past the Rings (for ZBR191) aka Yurodivy’s ‘tell me when the party’s over’ 12”LP we released back in 2019. Long sold out.

Operation X-Ray premiered “Supersonic” by Dead Hour Noise as well as played Emma Goldman’s newest single.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SOPHIE WOODHOUSE = CanaDave loves his ethereal singer/songwriter shit, that’s fer sure.

2024 - 12 - 23 /// Die Princess Die released + Canada Post strike is over

Die Princess Die has released. Storytime! In 2004 CanaDave bought the Microwave Says To The Pacemaker 2×7” comp and discovered Die Emperor Die and promptly searched for and ordered a full length from Interpunk. When the album showed up and he inspected it closer, he realized that it was a different band altogether. Having already spent the money he gave it a spin and was pleasantly surprised. So he gave it a few more spins and realized that the album was pure fucking genius. Fast forward 20 years and CanaDave was still pushing this rather obscure band when he happened across the bassist and finally landed this release. Tis pure joy, my friends. Exuberance. Elation. So ZBR proudly presents the DIE PRINCESS DIE 'Discography' with brand new art from Boris Hager and all the tracks, sweat, yellin', glitches, groove, and noise that you could ever want from a band you've likely never heard of. Only 52 copies were made over three variants plus test dips. Imagine if Indian Summer drank an entire bottle of whiskey and freaked out to Slint. Best.

The Canada Post strike over! It didn’t get the end I was hoping for though, as the government ordered the workers back and nothing was solved. Regardless, the post offices are fucking jammed with holiday shipments and over a month of backlog. Therefore I will prepare all the orders by Tuesday but wait until later next week to bring them to the post office in an attempt at minimizing lost packages and general fuckups as the postal service will be utterly bombarded.

On December 31st Zampler #24 is coming. Around 10 previously unreleased tracks and new art from Lucca Cassandra from Split Silk. Here’s the previous Zampler!

Click here for the full premiere!

Lower Automation’s full set was recently recorded at The Runoff so please check that out and pick up a copy of their latest EP ‘This Is My Deathbed’, and we even still have a few final copies of the ‘Strobe Light Shadow Play’ 12”LP.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FINNSKRAMZ = This Finnish screamo compilation just came out with 16 unreleased tracks and it’s amaaaaaaaaaazing.