2025 - 03 - 25 /// end of March + April schedule

Okay folks, the next 5 weeks are going to be ummmmm…insane. Here’s the Zegema Beach / Tomb Tree / Softseed Music condensed schedule. That’s more releases in this timeframe than ever…and by quite a few releases! Hooray April!!!


March 31st = COMA OF ERIS 'Coma of Eris' full length cassette: This combo band is Coma Regalia and Apostles Of Eris, and features members of Saetia, Our Future Is An Absolute Shadow, Deracine, etc. and their 11 tracks dropped digitally last month but now the cassettes have arrived. Dreamy with multiple vocalists, these songs tap into the emotions and anger we're currently feeling in this garbage timeline. Pressing on 50 cassettes, some swirled, some not. For fans of: Funeral Diner and Orchid.

April 1st = MAHRIA 'Analemma' 12"LP: 12 years after it's initial posthumous digital release one of the most influential math-screamo albums is finally on vinyl. We've been on their asses for a literal decade, and after releasing (and selling out of) cassettes many years ago, the band finally okayed the vinyl release on just 100 12"s. Let us rejoice. For fans of: Nuvolascura, Lord Snow, and Loma Prieta. Pressing on 100 black 12" records.

April 7th = DAGERMAN 'tragedie | VIVERE' 12"LP: This Italian debut album blew everyone's socks off, and we immediately got ourselves onboard for the vinyl release. Gorgeous but heavy, this band pulls from the likes of Raein and La Quiete but puts a much heavier spin, as they wander into Vibora and Crossed territory from time to time. For fans of: Raein, Øjne, and Radura. Pressing on 300 clear 12" records.

April 15th = BLUE YOUTH 'Defeatist' 12"LP: After a few years on hiatus, this Saskatchewan-based Canadian band is back with their sophomore full length and oooo baby does it take the three-piece to a new level. The sassy rock is intact but they definitely venture into heavier noise rock/post-hardcore, giving it a very sharp edge led by piercing vocals, wild guitars, bad-ass bass and massive drums. For fans of: Life In Vacuum, Campbell Trio, and Metz. Pressing on 300 green 12"s, co-released by The Ghost Is Clear Records.

April 22nd = SINEMA 'After the Flatline' 12"EP: Two years after its initial and glorious debut, this Texas emocore's EP is ready for vinyl. We couldn't be more stoked that they came to us for this incredible release that is shaping the genre for new bands. These dudes are still in school fer christ's sake. So very ahead of the game. They also play ZBR Fest 2025 this May in Chicago! For fans of: Underoath, A Static Lullaby, and Yesterday’s Rising. Pressing on 250 black vinyl.

April 28th = EMMA GOLDMAN 'all you are is we' 12"LP: This band and album have been incubating for nearly 5 years and holy fucking lord of science almighty is this shit gonna kick your face in. 12 tracks of blistering, mathy, sassy, shrieky hardcore that takes a break every few jams for some sick breakcore/dub-step interludes. Easily best of 2025 contender. For fans of: Blind Girls, Shoganai, and Nuvolascura. Pressing on 300 12"s.


March 28th = SATSUMA 'this is my outside voice' cassetteEP: Dan used to play in The Reptilian and Seventeen Again. Then he started a pro-wrestling career. Now he's back after attending 2024's ZBR Fest and witnessing the amazing spectacle that is current day screamo. His new band's debut EP is a phenomenal journey through groovy streets lined with ornate trees and lots of people screaming on the sidewalk. Pressing on 100 cassettes. For fans of: Hawak, Osceola, and The Caution Children.

April 8th = LORD WROUGHT 'Mortis' cassette EP: I saw this band live in Victoria, BC Canada and they ruined me. Dirty, dark, and metallic hardcore with hints of screamo. A member also plays in Filigree Silver God, who you should be watching out for. For fans of: Crestfallen, Portrayal Of Guilt, and Crossed. Pressing on 54 cassettes: 25 purple swirl, 19 clear, 5 pink swirl, and 5 test dips.

April 16th = SUTRAS 'The Crisis of Existence' cassette EP: Dreamy, emotive, and mesmerizing post-hardcore from Washington, DC, self described as "a strange blend of melodic crust punk like Lagrimas, slow heavy shoegaze like Jesu, post hardcore like Majority Rule and a kinship with a band like 108". Following up on last year's debut 2-song EP, this sucker is jammed with 6 songs covering nearly 20 minutes of honesty and passion for fans of: Touche Amore, Modern Life Is War, and Drug Church. Pressing on 35 cassettes.

May 2nd = SHIBUYA 'Bravura y Firmamento' 12"LP: Valencia, Spain's melodic screamo vets are back with their third full length following 2022's 'Apolo'. Their weaving instrumentation with scream/yelled vocals really help push the Spanish screamo into the Italian-style screamo realm, and I'm all for it. For fans of: Viva Belgrado, Put Purana, and La Quiete. Pressing on 300 12"s: 150 on pink and 150 on blue.


April 18th = AVERY FRIEDMAN 'New Thing' 12"/cassette LP: Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, this debut album from a voice and sound much more mature than her age, AVERY FRIEDMAN's 'New Thing' is an astounding first step into the indie/folk rock world. Mixing whispered lullabies with gorgeous flourishes of emotion, these 8 songs move through a myriad of moods but will always have you bobbin' and keep a smile on your face. Tracks like "New Thing", "Flowers Fell" and "Finger Painting" are so freakishly fantastic that I'm still blindsided that this collection of songs is her first attempt at making music. WTF!?!?!? Listen and find out for yourself, especially if you're a fan of: Frankie Cosmos, Biig Piig, and Flower Face. Pressing on 125 12" records: 100 color and 25 stupid fancy. Co-released with Audio Anti-Hero.

May 2nd = SOCIAL CATERPILLAR + WAUNBAND 'Disappearing Mouths' 12" split: Softseed Music started because I needed an outlet for softer music after Milwaukee, Wisconsin's SOCIAL CATERPILLAR sent me their 2022 endeavor which I absolutely fell in love with. So it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to this band, as their final three songs are on this split 12" with Detroit three-piece WAUNBAND. Gorgeous, lush, indie rock with additional instrumentation - and each band's final song is a cover of their splitmates! For fans of: Manchester Orchestra, Broken Social Scene, and Pile. Pressing on 100 black 12" records.

Crossed released their third full length last Friday. ‘Realismo ausente’ is an absolute beast and the Spanish four-piece’s best piece of work to date. Essential dark screamo with black metal and experimental elements. Those vocals. Oh my god those vocals <3 12”s should arrive early April for us to ship out. Buy links are embedded at the bottom of the bandcamp page and are cheaper than the bandcamp copies.

Satsuma promo pics are coming tomorrow but you can jam the new/last single “Animusic” via the embed below. We made 100 tapes but only 50 will be available online as the other 50 will be with the band at shows. These tapes look almost as sick as the music sounds. A truly great combo.

Sutras has a premiere coming later today via Not Just A Phase so definitely head over there numerous times today until it’s posted. Drops is in April but we’ll have a strong string of three premieres before the six-song EP releases.

Click here for the full post!

Click here for the full review list!

Febuary did a great podcast with Not Just A Phase which you can listen to above. Listen to the phenomenal debut below!

Operation X-Ray played a ton of bangers including our very own Crossed and Ashen Hands - a truly formidable duo of Euro skramz!!!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SECRET CUTTER = 7 years after their last release, this heavyweight three-piece is back and ready to pulverize you into a bloody pulp. Incredible. New Orphan Donor song in a few days too…so keep a look out for that as it’s the same drummer, my man Jared!!!

2025 - 02 - 17 /// Sulfur + Martin Randal Travel split on Monday

First…a friendly reminder. This. This page right here. You want ZBR news? You don’t wanna miss another Febuary cd drop? Then fer fuck’s sake follow this news page. Tell your friends to follow this news page. All information is ALWAYS posted here and drops are revealed usually a week+ in advance. When someone says they didn’t know something was dropping, that’s not on us. We can’t private message everybody, so we do these news posts. Follow. Follow. And follow again. Now I’m a few pounds lighter.

By the way In Loving Memory tapes for ‘A Gentler Sun’ will release on Thursday. Thursday February 20th. 9am PST. 11am CST. 12pm EST. I’ll remind you again late Wednesday as well as on Instagram.

Click here for the full premiere write-up!

Martin Randal Travel just got the premiere treatment from none other than Not Just A Phase. Their split with Sulfur (their premiere was last week via This Noise Is Ours, linked here and embedded below) releases on Tomb Tree this Monday February 24th on 52 tapes. Promo pics comin’ next post and by golly do they look sick as fuck. Click on this text or the pic above for the full Not Just A Phase writeup and song premiere!

Vancouver’s Smush just released their 3rd music video from ‘if you were here i’d be home now’ and we’re down to the absolute last copies of the first pressing. This was CanaDave’s album of the year in 2024! 2 left on the Softseed bandcamp, 2 in the Canada store, and 22 in the U.S. store. Zero chance these are still around by summer so snag now or forever hold your peace.

Click here for the full premiere!

Click here for the full review!

Click here for the full review!

Athousandangelsandseven were featured on the HMHD video podcast (along with a buncha posters that these dudes bought from the Canada store) and it’s both amazing and hilarious. These guys are great and I gotta start watching their show. Start at 1:30:47 (linked here) for our friends or just watch all the way through above! Only a few tapes remain!!!

Here’s a quick video that acts as the show recap for Yellfire, Teething, Mourn Recif, and A Recorded Dawn. Wicked show, I must say.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: YELLFIRE = I knew nothing about this band when I played with them, but they played as a three-piece and blew us all away. After the set we were informed that they were missing a guitar player at that show and everyone’s jaws broke the fuck off. They’re like Botch x Kollapse. Amazing.