2024 - 05 - 17 /// Lower Automation stream + early-bird variant


1 - Some of our U.S. shipping is currently a bit slower than usual as US Dave attempts to keep afloat whilst shipping off a ton of stuff and closing up the rest of our ZBR Fest obligations. Oh, plus his real job and being a dad/husband. Cut that hero some slack <3

2 - ZBR Fest video should be up late June.

Click here for the full article!

CanaDave teamed up with Josh Jakubowski from Neil Perry, Hot Cross, The Now, Joshua Fit For Battle fame to do this second episode of Not Just Fading Away Like The Rest Of Them featuring Endeavor and La Quiete.

Click for the full post.

Terry Green’s ‘Provisional Living’ is in hand and ready for the June 3rd drop. 300 copies over two variants. This one was definitely worth waiting 10 years for!!! Check out the closer below.

Click here for tickets!

Click here for the event page!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FOXGLOVE = This new EP was shown to me by my bandmate and I got through 10 seconds before immediately downloading it. Fire.

2024 - 04 - 05 /// Gxllium! promo pics

First and foremost, it’s Bandcamp Friday. Please consider supporting us so we can keep making records <3

.22LR released their self-titled debut earlier this week and it fucking rocks. Fans of Frail Body, Gil Cerrone, Youth Funeral, and Othiel should give this a whirl…I think you’ll dig it hard. Tapes linked to our stores directly through the Tomb Tree Bandcamp below :)

Click here for the full premiere!!!

Terry Green premiered their new jam “Full Lip” from the upcoming ‘Provisional Living’ 12”LP. First album in a fucking decade and yes, it’s worth the wait. Even better than their debut!

Gxllium! promo pics have surfaced with the debut album releasing on ZBR this Monday April 8th at 9am EST / 11am CST / 12pm EST!!! Some very sick variants, not many made, as we’ll only have 70. Is that metal on the green tape, David? Why, yes. Yes it is. Bad-fucking-ass. CanaDave spoke with them a few weeks back which you can listen to below.

Hawak released some of the best screamo ever then called it a day. CanaDave finally got off his ass and did another Out Past the Rings, this time for ‘Nuoc’, arguably one of the best things we’ve ever released. Co-released with Left Hand Label, not Dog Knights. I got one copy in this store and one on Bandcamp!!!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: KOMAROV = New live video from our UK besties!