2025 - 03 - 14 /// Ashen Hands out, Reverie x Put Purana 12"s

Italy’s Ashen Hands has released their new and absolutely incredible debut EP on Tomb Tree. Tapes are done at the plant and arrive at the Canada store for decorating next week, so expect orders to go out late March/early April. Fans of Lucidity, Joshua Fit For Battle, Danse Macabre, and Trainwreck should be all over this.

The Reverie and Put Purana split 12” is finally in stock. We only got 30 copies across the two stores and bandcamp so don’t sleep for too long. Wicked Italian screamo!

Shibuya pre-orders are up in both stores, and the Tomb Tree bandcamp with two songs and the pre-orders go up on Monday to give the Ashen Hands EP some time to breath. The full release is on May 2nd!

SHIBUYA - Bravura y Firmamento (12")

*** this is a pre-order and should be shipping in mid-May ***

SHIBUYA ‘Bravura y Firmamento’ 12” LP (TT130)

For fans of: Viva Belgrado, Øjne, Put Pùrana, and Dagerman.

Incredible sophomore LP from this Spanish band. Their ‘Apolo’ album perked up our ears and helping release this was a no-brainer. Not far removed from Raein and La Quiete, these 11 songs go from gorgeous post-rock to intense screamo, sometimes in the same song! Full release on Tomb Tree May 2nd.

Vinyl /300: 150 on pink marble & 150 on blue, w/insert. 11 songs.

Listen here:

We had some hefty restocks for things like Terry Green, Febuary, Bloom Dream, etc. so get on those asap before we sell out again!

Click here for the full roundup!

Crossed had a double-feature on the newest Operation X-Ray so check out those bangers. The new record is so good, full release March 21st which is when we will open our orders.

Click here for the review!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: ROTTING IN DIRT = Oh hell yes new EP and it’s stellar. Check out their ZBR Fest performance below!

2025 - 03 - 03 /// Next batch of releases + Bloom Dream tour

Dead Hour Noise is next on March 7th, followed by Tomb Tree’s Ashen Hands debut EP. The former is dirty and dark metallic hardcore/mathcore in the vein of Juan Bond and Curl Up And Die, while the latter is scorching emo-violence not unlike Danse Macabre and Yearning. If you are hankering for a song you can scroll down to the Operation X-Ray section and listen to a Dead Hour Noise song premiere!

We wanted to also let you know that we post almost daily on Bluesky (linked here) and also have a second run of Bloom Dream tapes finishing up now in time for the band’s tour and next Monday’s cassette release. This time we swirled’em!

Click here for the full interview!

CanaDave finally did another Out Past the Rings (for ZBR191) aka Yurodivy’s ‘tell me when the party’s over’ 12”LP we released back in 2019. Long sold out.

Operation X-Ray premiered “Supersonic” by Dead Hour Noise as well as played Emma Goldman’s newest single.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SOPHIE WOODHOUSE = CanaDave loves his ethereal singer/songwriter shit, that’s fer sure.

2024 - 11 - 08 /// Concealer today + Loftus Hoodies on Sale

Just a quickie here that:

1 - Loftus hoodies are on sale cuz I want them outta my house and STRAIGHT UP, both Daves get more compliments on wearing these hoodies than any other thing we’ve ever worn. So they’re 50% off till they’re gone. There’s only one Medium (orange), one Large (orange), and one Extra Large (purple) which are spread out of three totally different links which have been attached to the text of each size earlier in this sentence.

2 - There are some rarities that went up from additional stock/overages that include some serious heat and only one copy of each! Items are in the New Items/Specials section (linked here) and include Blind Girls, The Spirit Of Versailles, Respire, Massa Nera, Senza, Nuvolascura, Gxllium!, Febuary, Missouri Executive Order 44, and heaps more! Check the new items/specials section here. Some are embedded below.

BLIND GIRLS - The Weight of Everything (cassette/12"LP)
from CA$10.00
FEBUARY - February (cd)
GXLLIUM! - Breakup songs (cassette)
from CA$11.00

Concealer has released!!! ‘Heartfelt Entries’ includes two brand new songs and the ‘dissonance [all that keeps me away]’ EP on one convenient cassette.

Click here for the full post with links’n’shit!

Click here for the full review!

Click here for the full review list!

Click here for the full post!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: LOST GENERATION, LAST REVOLUTION = Amazing emo grind from members of Minaret.