2024 - 10 - 15 /// Gxllium! released + Spirit Of Versailles 2x12"

Spirit Of Versailles 2x12” pre-order!!! These are almost ready to go so make sure you snag a copy before they’re all gone! Init doesn’t ship outside of North America so if you need this and live outside please order from us, if you are in North America you need to order from Init Records (linked here). These ship in December but should be in hand in November so I’ll ship earlier if possible.

SPIRIT OF VERSAILLES - Discography (2x12")

For fans of: Saetia, Eyes Of Verotika, and Widowdusk.

This ships worldwide (North American orders should go through Init Records → linked here). The 2×12” discography collection by this timeless Sioux Falls screamo band. Released by Init Records. On grey w/black+white splatter vinyl with 11"x33" two-fold full color insert. Newly remastered by Mikey Allred at Dark Art Audio. 29 songs.

Songs 1-8: 8 Song CD
Song 9: Split 7" with Caligari
Song 10: unreleased
Songs 11-12: Split 7" with Saqqara
Song 13: Songs Of The Dead II compilation CD
Songs 14-15: Split 7" with Rise From Ruin
Songs 16-21: Confluence Of All The Senses CD
Songs 22-25: In Line For Halos 7"
Songs 26-29: Recorded live on WNYU, Summer 2001

Listen here:

Gxllium! released ‘Breakup songs’ on Tuesday and all of our tapes sold out in less than an hour. I’ve included pics so you can see them, but they’re out until all copies arrive at their homes, then I have three extra copies that I’ll put when I know it’s safe to. We’ll also be making more, at the very least tapes, and perhaps doing more formats. Spotify isn’t up yet but I’ll post it when I can.

Just a reminder that we made those Nuvolascura cds and there’s only a handful left and will be sold out before Halloween. The US store has a single copy of the ST and bandcamp has two, the new LP is sold out. Linked above (in stock) and below (sold out).

Click here for the full post!

Click here for the roundup!

Operation X-Ray’s most recent episode featured a ton of sick stuff including Crowning, Venus Twins, and Nuvolascura! Venus Twins 12”s are still in stock but the merge is almost gone.

Click here for the full review!

Click here for the full article!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: CLAYBORNE = This Montreal band sent us some of these 12”s for distro and I fucking love it. Epic post-everything. Snag one here!

2023 - 12 - 12 /// Inosuke out, Blind Girls tomorrow!

Onewaymirror sold out in less than 12 hours, so that’s nice. Thanks y’all! A repress is highly likely.

Next up, ZBR Fest 2024 early bird tickets + Wave 1 releases this Friday. You are not fucking ready, holy shit.

Lastly, we had the digitals for Inosuke release yesterday along with 12” pre-orders that should be shipping by the end of January. Please jam that shit below! Buy links are located there also.

I’m on my knees praying to the mage gods, as the /25 Wax Mage variant of the ‘The Weight of Everything’ 12”LP second press by Blind Girls is beyond sensational. This is a co-release with No Funeral and Life Lair Regret Records. These go live on December 13th a little later than usual, 1pm PST / 3pm CST / 4pm EST. Our tapes our almost out! Canada+International here / Bandcamp copies here

Riversleem’s music video is officially on youtube and our 7”s are runnin’ low! Get one of the best EPs of 2023 and they’re only /100!

Click to go to the full OMSB post!

Click here to go to the full list!

Click here for the full list!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: CAPSULE = Would you look at that…new Capsule, aka the gods of mathy screamo.

2023 - 09 - 08 /// Premiere City

Oooo baby after a few days of silence all three of our labels had a premiere go down! First is Euclid C Finder via No Clean Singing for Zegema Beach (releases October 27th), then there was Tomb Tree’s My Hair Is A Rat’s Nest which got picked up by Stereogum (releases September 21st), and finally CanaDave’s newest label Softseed Music saw a song/music video release from Social Caterpillar via Idioteq.com (releases October 7th). Click on each picture to go to the corresponding premiere!

Operation X-Ray did a double-episode this week with tons of ZBR and Tomb Tree stuff including: Crowning, New Forms, Widowdusk, Joliette, Piet Onthel, and Vibora!

Restocks going down in the Canada/International store tomorrow morning at 10am PST so check back for some hard-to-find awesomeness!!!

Hey! If you have ever wanted to be a part of one of the grave, neighbors Halloween cover compilations that I do, this may be your last chance. To be honest each year it’s getting more and more difficult to get people to submit. Last year, some friends came through at the last minute and help me wrangle up some more songs, but this year it’s starting to look like i’ll have to do a bunch myself if I want to make a decent size compilation out of it. Anyway, if you have an unreleased recording of a cover song or would like to do one and can submit it by October 1, Let me know. I would love to continue doing this but if there’s no interest maybe I should just let it go.
~Edie: Coma Regalia/Middle Man Records/etc.

Hit them up here: middlemanrecords@gmail.com

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: LIMBS = The band’s new album is fucking awesome. Hard recommend!!!