2024 - 11 - 19 /// Canada Post on strike + good news

Fingerswoventogether released on Friday and we’ve blown through most of the tapes already. This store has a handful and the US store has a couple, but Bandcamp copies are sold out. Links to both stores are at the bottom of the Bandcamp page and cost less than those sold out copies anyways. Such a wicked debut EP!!!
Gxllium! is next! The first run of tapes flew so we made a bunch more - 150 to be exact. CanaDave is dipping those suckas now, and this run is professionally duped with proper j-cards, as the first run was all DIY, baby. EP of the year? Definitely up there!!! Oh shit I found one extra copy of the 1st run…embedded below!
GXLLIUM! ‘Breakup songs‘ cassette (ZB369)
For fans of: Me And Him Call It Us, Hayworth, Rex Kwon Do, and .gif rom god
California's GXLLIUM! are back with an exceptionally fresh set of songs featuring a brand new lineup, and these six songs will absolutely floor you. Part chaotic hardcore, part metallic hardcore, part screamo/emo-violence, and a dash of the mosh, the breakdowns, panic chords, and unrelenting screaming will leave you aghast in the best possible way. We got these masters just a few days back so the first tape run was on 37 DIY cassettes (sold out) followed a 2nd/final run of professionally duplicated copies out of 152. EP of the year? You betcha!
Cassettes 1st run /37: 10 on 'Peart's Pearl Swirl', 10 red, 10 transparent yellow, 5 halfsies swirl, and two 'That's My Gold Bar'
Cassettes 2nd run /152: 65 on Whistleblower swirl, 25 on Gold Fleck swirl, 25 White, 20 on Random Color swirl, 10 on Underage Drinking swirl, and 7 test dips w/matching swirl case
each with double-sided j-card w/lyrics. 6 songs.
Listen here:
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: KID FERAL = Our Swedish friends recently released this stellar new EP and we literally cannot stop listening. Vinyl please!