2024 - 05 - 17 /// Lower Automation stream + early-bird variant


1 - Some of our U.S. shipping is currently a bit slower than usual as US Dave attempts to keep afloat whilst shipping off a ton of stuff and closing up the rest of our ZBR Fest obligations. Oh, plus his real job and being a dad/husband. Cut that hero some slack <3

2 - ZBR Fest video should be up late June.

Click here for the full article!

CanaDave teamed up with Josh Jakubowski from Neil Perry, Hot Cross, The Now, Joshua Fit For Battle fame to do this second episode of Not Just Fading Away Like The Rest Of Them featuring Endeavor and La Quiete.

Click for the full post.

Terry Green’s ‘Provisional Living’ is in hand and ready for the June 3rd drop. 300 copies over two variants. This one was definitely worth waiting 10 years for!!! Check out the closer below.

Click here for tickets!

Click here for the event page!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FOXGLOVE = This new EP was shown to me by my bandmate and I got through 10 seconds before immediately downloading it. Fire.


Not Just a Phase sold out. There’s a few left over in case some orders get lost, so if we still got’em in a few weeks we’ll add them to the next Big Stuff Thing.

Widowdusk + Ihuntmonsters split tapes just released and likely will sell out today! This is Tomb Tree #100 and quite a milestone for the label <3 If you didn’t notice, the two variants together read as Tomb Tree and to be completely honest this was a total coincidence that I exploited. Or maybe it was destiny. New art by Kyle Calvert Design!!!

Over the weekend we had a hefty distro update, with most of the US copies selling out immediately. This store still has the following updated stock still in:

OSTRACA - Last (12")
GRAF ORLOCK - Destination Time Yesterday (12")
Sale Price: CA$30.00 Original Price: CA$40.00
SWEAT - Gotta Give It Up (12")
Sale Price: CA$25.00 Original Price: CA$30.00

Operation X-Ray gave a shout-out to ZBR again in their 2nd comeback episode, featuring Dear Diary This Is From My Teenage Angst To My Adult Self as well as Hillsboro who is releasing on CanaDave’s softer label Softseed Music in September.

Mathcore Index’s Mathcast gave some love to Seasons Worn who released their sophomore EP a few weeks back on Tomb Tree. Amazing metalcore with prog influences. Tapes still in stock!!!

Both Dave’s have been in love with Closet Witch for years (we even sport identical couple hoodies!) so it was a no brainer to ask the Iowa-based band to tear our ears apart. And they did. New album coming 2023 <3 We will continue posting the single videos for each band that played the last day of ZBR Fest 2023 in the order that they played, so there’s more coming! Actually, there are only two more!!!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: HEXIS = Our Denmark friends just released a split with fellow countrymen Telos (whom Tomb Tree works with) which you can snag from Init Records. Remember Hexis + Trauma Model is the next Canadian ZBR show on Vancounver Island in Victoria, tickets here!!!