2023 - 10 - 26 /// Euclid C Finder! is tomorrow!!!
Euclid C Finder! drops at midnight tonight! We’ll have tapes available at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST and you can snag vinyl (ships December, I think) from Dark Trail Records. Here are the tape variants, but we’ll have a boxed /10 variant tomorrow also, we just won’t have pics till the morning.

My Condolences received the swirl package by Tomb Tree and features Jordan of Scenario on guitar/vox! Really sick stuff recorded and mixed by our mutual friend Jane <3 Only 32 copies exist!
Elle was the subject of the most recent Out Past the Rings, #170 to be exact. These are long sold out but if you’d like some extra info check that embed below or just go jam the stellar LP that is ‘…’ right fucking here.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: MANSIONS = Oh my god yes new Mansions! I really loved the dark minimalist synth stuff but they’re back at the poppy shoegaze stuff, both are great!