2024 - 09 - 13 /// Hallam Foe & Othiel + Palefade are next
With Split Silk out in full (embeded above) next on deck for Tomb Tree is the Othiel / Palefade. split that we churned out 40 copies of in two days. 3 variants, diy as all hell. Here they are! Releases September 20th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST. CDs will follow, likely in November.

As for ZBR, another friendly reminder that we’ll have the Hallam Foe one-sided 12” lathe EP for ‘Funkapokalips’ on September 17th. 25 black / 25 clear. All ass-kicking.
Operation X-Ray played a song from every label CanaDave is associated with. Very cool! Split Silk, Bloom Dream, and Leavs were featured in this 146th episode <3
Right in time for CanaDave to lose his shit (he just got the Emma Goldman LP masters and is trying to cope with it’s amazingness), Edie from Everything Remade interviewed Felix (guitar/vox) from the band. You are not ready. Minds blown early 2025.
The band that really surpassed expectations at the 2024 pre-show was Godseyes. Really wicked metallic hardcore. More videos coming!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: IN LOVING MEMORY / WIDOWDUSK split 7” = Pre-orders are up on In Loving Memory’s bandcamp! Already snagged me a copy.