2024 - 11 - 04 /// Senza released!!!
Senza’s ‘Celestial Body’ is officially out! 500 copies over 200 pink/blue/black merge, 150 pink, and 150 blue, all with etched b-side and 12-page lyric book. Merges are definitely the hot ticket item and are moving hella fast. UK/EU customers snag from Dog Knights unless you’re placing a multi-item order.

Concealer is the next ZBR release and it’s this Friday! ‘Heartfelt Entries’ includes two brand new songs and the ‘dissonance [all that keeps me away]’ EP on one convenient cassette. Jam the already released EP below!
Coup D’Etat has an 8-song cassette full length releasing Dec 13th on Tomb Tree but the first single is up on the artist’s Bandcamp page. The metallic screamo three-piece from Vancouver Island has been kicking ass at shows since I moved here and we are hella excited about it.
Orphan Donor’s ‘Old Patterns’ was the subject of the most recent Out Past the Rings. A reminder that 1) there are two tapes left in stock and 2) the packaging says ZBR188 but it’s actually ZBR189.
Click here for the full interview!!!
We sold out of that beautiful thing ages ago, but we do have a few copies left of their 8-way 2x12” ‘Eight Feet Under’ (with two exclusive/amazing tracks, embedded below) and their full length follow-up ‘Det onda. Det goda. Det vackra. Det fula.’ (embedded above).
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: TERROR CELL = Oooooo yooooo the new Terror Cell LP is phenomental. Get on it!