2024 - 09 - 09 /// Split Silk releases tomorrow!
Distro update with a buncha buttons (Widowdusk, Nuvolascura, In Loving Memory, etc.), stickers (New Friends Fest, Bird Death, Coven, etc.) as well as 12”s from Man is The Most Dangerous Animal, a random found copy of Life ‘Demo 3’ and Larry Records’ Catalyst ‘Discography’ tape + pin set! Everything is in the new New Items/Specials section which I’ve linked to this text. Below are some of the fine items directly. The US store will have some distro stuff going up soon too.
For fans of: Versera and Herlovebeheadsdaisies.
Discography tape with half black and half white tape with pin AND exclusive unreleased track! Released on Larry Records.
Listen to digitals here:
For fans of: Converge, Cult Leader, and Crossed.
Devastating metallic hardcore with some seriously killer vocals. One of CanaDave's fave of 2024!
12” on either half red/half yellow or purple/pink splatter vinyl with lyric insert and sticker. 11 songs.
Listen here:

Hallam Foe is the next ZBR release on September 17th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST on just 50 12” lathes! 6 incredibly moshy, shrieky, and panic-chord ridden amazingness. Check out the title track below!!!
Out Past the Rings #187 deals with Antarctica! The last 10 minutes of this episode is CanaDave just reading the 25 stories from the band, one of each was included with each of the green tapes. All sold out!
ZBR videos are going up on our youtube channel faster than I’m posting them here, but holy timing Batman, cuz the next one in line is Othiel and they just released a wicked new split with Palefade. that Tomb Tree is literally dubbing tapes of right now. Full release on September 20th!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: OTHIEL = Hit those new Othiel jams now cuz they are amazing.