2024 - 12 - 13 /// Die Princess Die is next + Coup D'etat released
Die Princess Die is releasing their discography via cassette on Zegema Beach Records in one week! Brand new art from Boris Hager! All 22 recorded tracks! CanaDave has been obsessed for literally two decades so this is a treat and then some. It’s like Slint meets Indian Summer meets chaos and it’s on a level all its own. Check out ‘Discography’ on Friday December 20th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST on just 52 tapes!!!

Coup D’etat has released their debut album ‘What Happens After the Epilogue…?’ on Tomb Tree and Yetzer Hara Records! This local Vancouver Island trio has been all up in CanaDave’s life in all the best ways, as their release show is tonight and Mourn Recif is also playing. If you ordered stuff from us and will be attending please get in touch so I can physically bring you your order (cuz Canada Post is on strike still). I’ll also have distro!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: NDAMUKONG = Absolutely wild shit from New York.