2023 - 10 - 17 /// Closet Witch pre-order + New Forms is next!
Closet Witch music video is out! 12” pre-orders are up! Get the variant you want before it’s too late!!!
U.S.A. store = https://www.zbrusa.com/products/chiaroscuro
Canada/International = https://www.zegemabeachrecords.com/zegema-beach-releases/chiaroscuro
Closet Witch vocalist Mollie Piatetsky was on the most recent Everything Remade podcast, check it out!!!

Euclid C Finder! and their new album is coming up digitally and on cassette just a week after the New Forms 12”LP, so be sure to show up on Friday October 27th at our regular time 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST to snag a tape /50. The /10 variant has boxes from Josh Johnson/Vamanos tapes, pics of those beauties comin’ next week!!!

Social Caterpillar tapes were finished over the weekend so those are ready to ship should you buy one! 12”s should be shipping any day now.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: ‘Algunas ideas pueden ser peligrosas II’ = this Latin American screamo comp is fantastic! Check it out.