2024 - 07 - 01 /// Zampler #23 + Eyelet 3rd press!
Join the ‘Leadership Caste’ and check out the 23rd Zampler now, cuz it was just released! 27 sexy tracks including 5 previously unreleased jams from the likes of Senza, Onewaymirror, Excrucis, Hallam Foe, and Tress Allude!
On the polar opposite we’ve got new of Gxllium! ending, and it breaks our hearts. Love you Gally.

Eyelet’s 2nd repress (that’s 3rd press) is now available on yellow 12” with green art. We did this one of 500 so we won’t sell out immediately, but also don’t sleep for too long!
Josh and Dave released their 3rd episode last night, this one is Remingtin (West Fucking Triad) vs. Senza! Without a doubt the episode that had us both most stoked on the music.
A buncha music videos popped up, some official and some not. But hey…music videos rock.
Our Future Future Is An Absolute Shadow = “Word of Ruin”
Fallingwithscissors = “ghOst.shell”
Lower Automation = “Mercaptan”
Nhomme destroys. And seeing this morse code track done live is fucking mindboggling. We still got some tapes too! Best packaging ever.
Operation X-Ray continues their coverage of everything amazing, this time playing some Eyelet and Fallingwithscissors.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: LAGRIMAS = Crusty screamo/hardcore from the west coast. New album fucks.