2024 - 03 - 26 /// Lower Automation premiere + Basque + Autumn releases
Some quick news that will affect some! There will be no pre-orders for the new Crossed 12”EP, as we’d prefer to wait until the full album release and we have the copies in-hand. We shall let you know when they arrive, as ‘Vida Quieta’ is set to release on April 19th.
Pettersson and Burial Etiquette are on route from the US store to the Canada store, so if you’re still waiting on the former we apologize for the delay but CanaDave will get those out the door the day they arrive (early next week, I reckon).
Basque’s ‘Pain Without Hope of Healing’ is out and we already sold all of the Flower Garden variant, with a single test dip remaining in this store and a few swirls. Truly next level debut from some ex-Karloff members.

Autumn’s debut EP ‘please be happy’ was released by CanaDave’s Softseed Music today. We’re calling anime indie rock and the variants look great.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: KOMAROV = Their first release since the Our Future Is An Absolute Shadow split 7” and their first full length! Happy day!!!