2022 - 10 - 26 /// Thank You Driver premiere
Thank You Driver is releasing their ‘Nothing You Do Can Stop This’ cassette EP on ZBR November 6th through a Mathcore Index exclusive premiere. We’ll have 60-ish tapes and CanaDave is going to the release show (fb event linked here). Click on the pick to go straight to the full premiere!
Distro update tomorrow! Le Blast sent us a fresh round of restocks and about 7 new releases! Pictured below are the newbies, these will be up with the distro update in the Canada/International store and the U.S. store in 2-4 weeks. Both stores will have a ton of new ditro/restocks of other releases too including Icorrupt, Dingleberry, Relapse, and some randos!

I worked for an ungodly amount of time cranking out these To Be Gentle tapes for ‘It always hurts and one day it will win’ so here are the variants. Tomb Tree still has some left in our stores but I don’t expect them to last into 2023. Tomb Tree also just put it on their bandcamp!
ZBR101 Release date: November 2017
For fans of: Off Minor, City Of Caterpillar and Shizune
'Los Pensamientos De Una Cara Palida'
12" vinyl on translucent purple/200 & black/300 with insert. 7 songs.
Listen here:
Hiding In The Outpost is back with the final Massa Nera 12”! What timing! Get it now before the new album drops as I’m unsure if this will get a repress or not as many members have changed. LAST COPY!!!
now sold out:
Binary 12”
People’s Temple Project + Sleeper Wave 12”
Sans Visage tapes
Blind Girls ‘Residue’ / Blind Girls ‘The Weight of Everything’ (tapes still available for both!)
Rotting In Dirt 12”
Our good friend and supporter Christopher Livingstone from Letterbombs was on Edie’s Everything Remade podcast, check it out! Letterbombs have tons of releases out so go to their bandcamp and nab it all!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: VOTIVE = Good god go listen to this fucking shit. Unreal!