2025 - 02 - 12 /// ZBR Fest in full + stock update on Saturday!

Distro + stock update this Saturday includes the last 5 Febuary cds as well as Fallingwithscissors cds, Valeska Suratt 12”s, and Osceola 12”s, etc. If you miss the Febuary cds fret not cuz 1) we made 300 more and 2) the band is playing ZBR Fest and will have a buncha copies at their shows as of early March.
Friday is Coma Of Eris release day but you can jam “Archers Take Aim” below and “A Dip in Lake Drowning” in the above premiere. Tapes should follow late March.
The next Mourn Recif show (a screamo band CanaDave plays in) is this Saturday in Victoria and we’ll be playing a new song and ZBR distro with new/unreleased stuff will be attendance also. They’ve got 8 songs recorded that should come out late spring, but you can jam a demo song below.
I can’t remember if I posted this but whatever let’s post it again, as Emmett from Detach The Islands and Fluoride (to name just a few) was on the Everything Remade podcast. Listen above, buy a tape of ‘A Highly Magnified History’ below.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SLEEPING PEOPLE = This 2005 math-rock release is spectacular.