2024 - 03 - 20 /// Gossip + Lower Automation releases
That’s right, there’s more Lower Automation comin’ your way! They recently finished their new EP ‘Welcome To My Deathbed’ which houses tracks of the bands’ most experimental and whacko material to date. Releases on limited cassettes May 20th, 2024 on ZBR!!!
Gossip’s ‘Coals of Juniper’ releases on 10” April 29th, 2024 - that’s just a few days before their ZBR Fest 2024 performance! You can also catch them at New Friends Fest (where you’ll also find both Daves) in August. Jam the first single “Casting Crowns” below!!!

Basque releases this Friday so it’s time for the full spread for ‘Pain Without Hope of Healing’. These puppies release on Tomb Tree March 22nd, 2024 at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST on their bandcamp and our Tomb Tree section in this store. All of the Tomb Tree releases are also in the US store, you just gotta search for’em. This is a very low run, just 17 ‘The Color of Pain’ swirl, 10 ‘Flower Garden’, and 5 test dips w/matching swirl case. Jam a single below!
If you missed the Widowdusk bandcamp release you need to get on that. The more I listen, the deeper I fall for it.
Hallie is getting close to their $100,000 goal (currently $83k) so I thought I’d share that Go Fund Me again here. Any amount helps!!!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: KNIFE EDGE DEATH MATCH = This collaboration EP goes to a good cause and is headed by Jane who did the sound for all of the ZBR Fest 2023 videos. You might even find CanaDave on there somewhere.