2022 - 11 - 07 /// Thank You Driver out today!
Thank You Driver was premiered yesterday on Mathcore Index (full premiere/write-up/links are here) and then uploaded to our bandcamp earlier today. The Canada/International store only has the primary variant left but there are still some rarer copies in the U.S. store. If you are in BC or the upper west coast of the U.S. and wanna come chill with CanaDave at the Thank You Driver release show on the 19th get yourself here. Variants are pictured under the stream :)

CanaDave spoke at length with Hal Capone via his Chopping It Up Hardcore instagram interview. Twas tons of fun and lots of homies were given props.
ZBR088 Release date: Mar. 21st, 2018
For fans of: Louise Cyphre, Loma Prieta and Carrion Spring
Flabbergastingly good, this new 11-song 12"LP by Russia's Улыбайся Ветру (aka Smile To The Wind) titled 'Illusions' is a testament to chaotic, mathy, dual screaming hardcore. Seriously this is easily a contender for album of the year and fans of any technical, blazing screamo such as Loma Prieta, Neil Perry, Crowning, Louise Cyphre and Carrion Spring will likely be so happy they may soil themselves. Yep, it's that good. And the art is unreal, created by Ekaterina Zalesskaya. Released by Zegema Beach, Dead Tank, Trace In A Maze and Upwind Productions.
'Illusions' 12" vinyl on blue/300 with insert. 11 songs. Download code included.
Listen here:
Out Past the Rings #132 for the first In Wolves’ Clothing self-titled demo cassette! Got any in stock? Hell no. What about their subsequent full length? Ahahahaha no. Well shit there’s that new Letterbombs split 12” got any of those? Yes! But if history plays itself out again these will be unavailable soon.
Next on the Best Of (((((OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain))))) Podcast was Sean Leary of hmmmmm let’s see…Loma Prieta, Beau Navire, Archeoptryx, Stormlight, Elle, and Jeromes Dream (and that’s not even all of them!). He speaks here about the formation of Loma Prieta, very interesting and very important for the screamo world, although no one knew it at the time.
Operation X-Ray played a list of bangers last Friday including Lower Automation, Thank You Driver, Infall, and To Be Gentle!
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: PIQUE = There’s a new Pique 12” from Larry and Illuminate My Heart and it’s really fucking good!