2022 - 09 - 15 /// Stickers, patches, buttons, and Charger Port!
Tomorrow sees the digital and physical release of the APOSTLES OF ERIS and ENNUI split 7” at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST. This is a co-release with Day Zero Collective with them having most of the copies!

CanaDave’s non-screamo label Softseed Music just released some very nice tapes for the mindboggling math-rock EP ‘don’t care - good music’. Three sick songs over three sick variants and there’s also an /1 (bandcamp only) although I did include the only public test dip copy in the Softseed Section of this website! Take a gander at the other variants above and jam it below.
Hope you liked the previous picture for of one of the My Hair Is A Rat’s Nest variants, so here’s another. There are 5 of these test dips in the first ever (?) swirl dipped cassette stain bag. EP releases on Monday!
Out Past the Rings #119 is for the utterly amazing KOMUSŌ self titled cassette EP 'Komusō'. Literally one of the best EPs we’ve ever released. A few copies remain! And they look awesome!
With all of the individual band videos from Zegema Beach Records Fest 2022, I figured I’d include the full recap video from our resident ZBR fella Dave Cullen.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: NIDARE = This German post-black metal band released a new single a few weeks back and I loved it so much I bought 5 copies for the ZBR distro. I expect we’ll have them in late October. So good!