2024 - 04 - 12 /// Weekender
We were pretty dang busy this week so here’s a recap/look ahead at last week and next week.
MONDAY: 4-way split premiere (pictured above) happening at (((((OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain))))) around 12pm EST
TUESDAY: Vow EP releases on Tomb Tree
WEDNESDAY: Venus Twins news
THURSDAY: Venus Twins variants (probably helps you infer what news the day prior is)
FRIDAY: Crossed reminder
SATURDAY: Crossed 12”EP releases + Entwife cd releases on Tomb Tree
We released that Constrain split with Loose Teeth last year, and while that release put the Hamilton band on our radar, we quickly jumped at releasing their next endeavor. That endeavor is almost here, with tapes of the new EP already ordered and a music video for a new jam recently released. Check that fire below!!!

Lettingtheintrusivethoughtswin features Riley from Gxllium! and we sold most of our 27 copies first day. There’s a handful left in this store which I’ll embed below. Remember, Canadian pricing in this store is CHEAPER than the U.S. bandcamp prices!!!
LETTINGTHEINTRUSIVETHOUGHTSWIN ‘it’s lonely out here in the woods…’ cassette (TT110)
For fans of: Serpent Column, Theophilos, and Sawtooth Grin.
Riley from Gxllium! started this project as a solo act, but has since added more members, so this rare cassette includes that first solo EP with an additional track on the b-side. Wild, untamed, and abrasive, this debut features nasty/dark vocals slathered over jarring, dissonant instrumentals. Think Serpent Column with more rock/screamo and less metal/black metal. Released on Tomb Tree.
Cassettes /27, 10 white swirl in metallic bag (1 is a gold bag, randomly switched out for a silver bag), 10 orange in pillow box, 5 orange swirl in manila envelope, and 2 test dips w/matching swirl case, all w/insert and download code. 4 songs.
Listen here:
Gxllium! tapes are getting very low so the last few copies are up in this store and the U.S. store, with all Bandcamp copies already selling out.
GXLLIUM! ‘Gxllium 1‘ tape (ZB356)
For fans of: .gif from god, Hayworth, and Me And Him Call It Us
This Cali powerhouse’s debut album features 8 songs of pummeling, staggering hardcore/emo-violence/metal/grind that’ll have you disoriented and bleeding. Combining their cathartic, dark, and downright abrasive music with internet audio clips takes the unsettling nature of the band and amplifies it to a distorted level of comedic self-deprecation. This short run o’tapes will go quickly but fret not they’ll be at ZBR Fest 2024 to lay waste to Chicago. Cassettes on swirl or fuckin’ metal cases.
Cassettes /102: 42 VHS swirl, 35 atomic mass swirl, 20 green w/so fucking metal case, and 5 test dips w/matching cases, each with double-sided j-card. 8 songs.
Listen here:
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: BECAUSEWECOULDNOTSTOPEVENFORDEATH = Great new Texan demo. Screamo/emo-violence. 4 tracks.