2024 - 07 - 16 /// What's comin' up

Thursday July 18th is the ZBR Fest 2024 video documentary premiere. Join at 10am PST / 12pm CST / 1pm EST and watch it live with us.

Onewaymirror is out and doing well. The merges are running low, black is down to four copies left, and there is a test press on Bandcamp and in the U.S. store.

Here’s a direct embed to that new Excrucis song “Parasite”. What a banger. 11-song full length cassettes July 22nd on ZBR!!!

Operation X-Ray premiered a brand new Detach The Islands song!!! As well as Onewaymirror, Gil Cerrone, and Hillsboro!

Click here for the full review!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: VOTIVE = Ex-members of Gas Up Yr Hearse!, Foxmoulder, and Portrayal Of Guilt make up this powerhouse that unleashed their awesome debut this past week.

2024 - 06 - 05 /// Terry Green out + Excrucis announcement

Terry Green is out and is kicking serious ass in the nicest, most Canadian way possible. Sorry, eh? Congrats to anyone who purchased in the first hour as we had a sale price for the hardcore fans so congrats to all who jumped at the opportunity to buy such a stellar album immediately. Both variants are going fast, with some going to Germany for distro through I.Corrupt and Zilp Zalp but they probably won’t arrive until late June/July.

There’s a sophomore Excrucis full length on it’s way and a teaser just released this morning. I gotta say, the first one on Tomb Tree (linked below) is great but this new album ‘There are Collectivities that Devour Souls’ is fucking exceptional.

Click to go to the site!

A message from Nick:

Hey! My name is Nick Stetina, I’m a mastering engineer from outside of Chicago. Working on Lower Automation’s recent EP “Welcome to My Deathbed” turned me on to the Zegema Beach Records roster and I am STOKED. What a rad bunch of bands. In the spirit of working with artists and music that I am a genuine fan of I wanted to extend an offer to do a free test master for anyone in the ZBR+Tomb Tree family. I encourage you to hit me up as your wrap mixes for you next project; let’s make some noise together 🤘🏼



Click here for the full post!

John from Usurp Synapse and Displacer came on the (((((OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain))))) podcast and chatted with DehVE (that’s the Canadian one) about their original run, short-lived second run, and their current third incarnation that recently released ‘Polite Grotesquries’ aka the ‘AssIIAss’ EP. Jam/buy said EP here. Click on the pic above to go to the full blog post or just listen through Bandcamp below.

Click here for the full review!

Operation X-Ray played Lower Automation and Nuvolascura in their most recent episode!!! Yum yum.

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SMUSH = Softseed Music got in on the ground floor and will be releasing this stellar 12” with pre-orders opening upon digital release June 15th, 2024. Gorgeous but heavy shoegaze for fans of Slow Pulp.

2024 - 05 - 17 /// Lower Automation stream + early-bird variant


1 - Some of our U.S. shipping is currently a bit slower than usual as US Dave attempts to keep afloat whilst shipping off a ton of stuff and closing up the rest of our ZBR Fest obligations. Oh, plus his real job and being a dad/husband. Cut that hero some slack <3

2 - ZBR Fest video should be up late June.

Click here for the full article!

CanaDave teamed up with Josh Jakubowski from Neil Perry, Hot Cross, The Now, Joshua Fit For Battle fame to do this second episode of Not Just Fading Away Like The Rest Of Them featuring Endeavor and La Quiete.

Click for the full post.

Terry Green’s ‘Provisional Living’ is in hand and ready for the June 3rd drop. 300 copies over two variants. This one was definitely worth waiting 10 years for!!! Check out the closer below.

Click here for tickets!

Click here for the event page!

Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: FOXGLOVE = This new EP was shown to me by my bandmate and I got through 10 seconds before immediately downloading it. Fire.