2022 - 05 - 11 /// Loftus 2nd variant
Loftus again! Variant the second! Aka the non-mage handmade! There are 208 Bright Yellow w/Opaque Blue Splatter and they pop. Love the yellow and blue match with the art. Did I say these are handmade? Handmade! Links for the 12”s are located on the bandcamp page which is now active, but the official vinyl release is Friday May 13th at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST. We’ve heard the online compression of the digital bandcamp files is kind of ass, but we assure you these are the cd wav files. The download should sound better than the streaming but let us know if that’s not the case and we’ll find a workaround.
I forgot to post this sweet .gif from god review for their debut ZBR release. All variants long sold out. I heard they have new material coming…
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: ALTAIR = Spanish post-hardcore/screamo band have now put two new songs up on bandcamp. The previous 12” was spectacular so I’m stoked on this next release.