2022 - 10 - 25 /// Distro update on the 27th!
We’ve been very busy behind the scenes getting our latest Distro Update ready…and it’s probably the largest one ever. This behemoth includes so much shit I didn’t even bother trying to get them all out for a picture. Here is maybe 7% of what we’ll have going up.

I took some Massa Nera promo pics for their cassettes yesterday and promptly passed out for four hours. So I thought I’d kinda like…post them. The cds are done. The tapes are done. Just waiting for the vinyl and inserts to come in for the December 2nd release!!! Don’t forget you can watch the music video for “April 7th” now!
I recently did Out Past the Rings 129 for the Respire ‘Début’ tape that was released and sold out rather quickly.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: THE MONARCH = Yoooo there’s a sick band in the next town over from me on Vancouver Island! Nanaimo gets its Isis/Cult Of Luna/Amia Venera Landscape on and I’m so stoked!!!