2023 - 10 - 08 /// Inosuke premiere

The One Who Became Many - A Tribute to Coma Regalia releases in just under 24 hours (at 9am PST / 11am CST / 12pm EST) so here are the variants! 45 light blue/gold swirl, 30 blue, 20 dark blue/pink swirl, and 5 test dips w/matching swirl case!
Social Caterpillar’s ‘Alphabet Crown’ came out yesterday on Softseed Music and it’s incredible! A friend told me they sound like a mixture of Pygmy Lush, Okkervil River, old Manchester Orchestra, Margot & The Nuculear So and So's, and The Decemberists. Looks like I need to go check out all those bands!!! 12”s and tapes available!
There are a few unshipped orders from the Canada/International store for a couple reasons that will be out the door next week, this is because 1) I had the kids by myself for 11 days straight, 2) the shipping boxes I ordered took 3 days last time, this time they won’t be here until 17 days after ordering (they are set to arrive on Oct 13th), and 3) we had some Porcelain Joliette’s go missing so if your order hasn’t shipped expect an apology email and a substitute/refund option (there are only 3 orders that have this issue). Full transparency. Thanks for the support ya’ll.
Johnny’s Reco-mmendations: SOLVALOU = This band features Joseph, formerly of Malevich, Under A Sky So Blue, and that other newer band I’m forgetting the name of. Demo EP coming out on ZBR in the near future!