BLACK LOVE song premiere! / ∞ cassette / Rayleigh + Youth Novel / Foxmoulder combo

BLACK LOVE premiere of "Becker's Leitmotif"

Click on the album art to be directed to BLACK LOVE's bandcamp page to hear the amazing "Becker's Leitmotif". This album art is absolutely amazing!

 premiere of "Lohdutusseremonia"

(aka EIGHT) new full length titled "Emme Näe Elämää" that is being released on cassette by ZBR this fall. The band caught our attention after 2012's Näyt Kauas and was recently reviewed on (((((OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain))))) which can be read here. If you like the screamy hardcore with ambient stylings of bands such as Vi Som Alskade Varandra Sa Mycket, Daitro and Envy. Check out the premiere of "Lohdutusseremonia" on their bandcamp page here.

Both the RAYLEIGH and YOUTH NOVEL cassettes should be ready by next week! Stream them by clicking on the album covers.

Don't forget that the FOXMOULDER & COMA REGALIA split 5" is now available. Grab a copy on transparent green with green ink or get your hands on a rare yellow inked copy in conjunction with the FOXMOULDER 'Lethe' 7" below and save some cash.

ZBR has updated the STORE tab to include a "Zegema Beach Records" section because we have a massive amount of records in stock. MASSIVE, I say! Peruse it here.