PIQUE - 2018-2019 (10")

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PIQUE - 2018-2019 (10")
PIQUE - 2018-2019 10” (ZBR245)
For fans of: Adobe Homes, La Bella and Iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook.
A collection of PIQUE’s material from 2018-2019 (duh) aka pre-Apostles Of Eris split 12”, mostly from demos and splits. Pretty dang positive-sounding screamo with dual vocals and a lot of interesting interplay between the instrumentalists, especially that bass. Released on 100 toxic green 10”s w/silkscreen cover and a poster! 10”S WILL NOT SHIP UNTIL MAY (or whenever the plant finishes with them)
Vinyl 10” on toxic green /100, comes with a silkscreened cover, 11x17 poster and download code.
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