ONES AND TWOS - Compilation (cassetteLP)

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ONES AND TWOS - Compilation (cassetteLP)
from CA$15.00
ONES AND TWOS - A One/Two-Piece Project Compilation (cassetteLP) (ZBR196)
Songs from: Piet Onthel, Euclid C Finder, Limbs, Yubari Gogo, Entzabaurung, Orphan Donor, This Place Is Actually The Worst, Dosaken Vakchi Zigok, Me The Hideous Freak, Blue Noise, Apostles Of Eris, Elyrithe, the LNG Silence and KŸHL.
14 fantastic and PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED songs from one and two-piece projects from around the globe. Mostly screamo, some hardcore, metal and acoustic rock…all on stunning prism swirls. 25 for Zegema Beach, 75 for all the bands, and each band has their own color variant!!!
100 swirl tapes w/jcard, insert and download code.
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