MATSURI - Discography (2 x cassette)

MATSURI - Discography (2 x cassette)
MATSURI ‘Discography‘ 2 x tape (ZB262)
For fans of: Hawak, Pique, and D’Amore
Right before California’s Hawak releases their long-awaited debut 12”LP, we’ve lined up MATSURI, which was some members’ previous screamo band. The west coast band of friends released a few EPs, splits and an LP, as well as a handful of demos and live recordings, all of which is compiled in this massive double-cassette discography. Jarringly honest, emotional and heartfelt, this collection of songs encompasses the myriad of feelings of a group of friends over the course of the four years they spend together. 151 sets of tapes across a few stellar variants, most of which are swirled, in a butterfly case and brochure insert. Cassette breakdown:
’Discography’ 2 x cassette
- 54 ‘Neon Corndoug w/Ketchup and Mustard splash’ swirl
- 25 ‘Graveyards and Ghosttowns’ swirl
- 22 transparent red
- 20 ‘Flesh & Bone’ swirl
- 10 ‘Bone and Marrow’ white
- 10 ‘Here’s your damn Gatorade’ swirl
- 5 silver and gold plated swirl
- 5 test dips (in a swirled case, only available in Test Box Set #4)
All cassettes come in a butterfly case with two double-sided j-cards and download code. 46 songs.
Listen here: