BLUE YOUTH - EP + 2 songs' (cassetteEP)

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BLUE YOUTH - EP + 2 songs' (cassetteEP)
BLUE YOUTH - EP + 2 songs (cassetteEP) (ZBR111)
For fans of: Drive Like Jehu, Hot Snakes and Life In Vacuum
Oh good golly, here are 50 tapes that house two brand-spankin’ new BLUE YOUTH tunes alongside their debut self titled EP. 25 white copies go to Grind Central Records, with 25 swirl painted copies staying with Zegema Beach. Unreal sassy, noisy, driving, screamy rock music for the hardcore inclined. First 3 orders get sparkle blue covers!
50 tapes over 2 variants w/j-card. 7 songs. Download code included.
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