BELTED SWEATER - Belted Sweater (cassette)

BELTED SWEATER - Belted Sweater (cassette)
from CA$11.50
For fans of: Glowwworms, New Order, and Depeche Mode
Glam skramz is here and it’s fucking incredible. 9 tracks of pillow synths, great drums, and screaming with newly incorporated guitars and the occasional piano, all whilst boasting queer-friendly themes in a timeline that sorely needs this support. This solo band is the passion project of Los Angeles-based Christopher Gregory, who also plays in Gayt, and manages to combine a buncha genres and influences into a shockingly cohesive and awesome piece of work. This is co-released with Self Versed Records.
Cassettes /30, 15 Bi-Hulud halfsies and 15 random swirl, all in a plastic norelco case with j-card and download code.
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