EGO DEATH CHILDREN'S CHOIR - Mount Whateverest (cassette)

EGO DEATH CHILDREN'S CHOIR - Mount Whateverest (cassette)
For fans of: Naked City, Borbetomagus, and The Locust
Ever wondered what Satan’s meditative music sounds like? Probably like this. This is the nasty, filthy, raunchy, debut tape from EGO DEATH CHILDREN'S CHOIR titled 'Mount Whateverest'. If you ever wanted your music to reach the absolute extreme then this is your ticket to the chaos party. Absolutely nothing soft or pretty about this Locust/Naked City hybrid of noise/grind/jazz/sax featuring members of Blue Youth, Surf Dads, Anemone, Library Voices, etc. Cassette comes with one bonus track not available online.
Cassettes /5, 10 on Octopus Boy blue swirl, 5 on Metallic Viper swirl, 5 mystery swirls, and 5 test dips w/matching swirl case, all in a plastic norelco case with j-card and download code.
Listen here: