CHARGER PORT - don't care, good music (cassette)

CHARGER PORT - don't care, good music (cassette)
For fans of: Hella, Ahleuchatistas, and Tera Melos.
Hunter Johnson is a very talented individual. Kicking rectums in Terror Cell, Asylum 213, and Tvlpa, when he has a free second he pumps out jams for his solo project CHARGER PORT. This is the first math-rock EP with a trimmed tracklisting opting for just three songs, but goddamn they're three bangers. Falling somewhere between Hella, Ahleuchatistas, and Tera Melos, Hunter captures a playful and imaginative spirit and communicates it through the conduit of music. Despite being instrumental these songs are bursting with emotion, decorated with well-thought out sections ranging from noodles to chuggy bits. Oh, and the tapes? They're uhhhhhh nice to say the least.
Cassettes /56, 30 on “the big swirl”, 10 on “DON’T CARE good swirl” w/swirl case, 5 test dips w/matching opaque swirl case, and 1 “outta one” swirl, all in a plastic case with j-card and download code. 3 songs.
Listen here: